Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Another Unveiling--Naomi's Remodeling Project!

As our loyal readers know, it doesn't take much for the WT's to declare a party! Naomi had quite a remodeling project this spring and summer. Now that it is completely finished (and she has recovered from it!), she invited us all over for a potluck breakfast!

Naomi welcomes us to her "new" house. She made her three-season room into a dining room/sitting room (with a skylight), increased the size of her kitchen and had it re-done, and added an entry room. Everything is just gorgeous and we thoroughly enjoyed it!
What would a WT get together be without some great food. With Scandinavians, Eastern Europeans, and even an Irish woman, the combinations were delightful!
Naomi standing in front of the shelves that showcase family photos and plenty of mementoes of her extensive travels.
The traditional group photo--Front: Jo, Jodie and Naomi. Mixed together: Helen S., Elsie, Joan, Lil, Nancy, Sharon, Pat, Tee, Dorothy, Lorraine, and Mary. Next time Nancy and Tee, who are both trying to hide in the back will have to be front and center in our next group photo!).

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Autumnal Equinox--2006

Yes, we know that this is not the official Autumnal Equinox, 2006. However, our party leader is not available for Friday night at 11:03 p.m. and we would rather get up early to watch a sunrise than stay up late to sit in the dark. (Besides we are always a little bit "ahead of the curve" on most things that we do!). Emily suggested that we call it "Equinox--the Prequel."
We knew it was going to be a beautiful morning as we headed off to the east and we were not disappointed--it was a spectacular morning at Fisherman's Point. We arrived around 6:30 a.m. to a most gorgeous sunrise over the fog on the lake. It was about 30 degrees, but there was no wind so it was great!

This is the scene that greeted us. The official sunrise was somewhere around 6:58 a.m. so we had a lot to do before that time.
Former flight attendant, Laurie, gets the mimosas ready so that we will be ready to toast the sunrise.

Here it comes!

The mimosas await!

Our toast to everyone--a long autumn, a short and mild winter, and great and long-lasting friendships!

L to R: Pat, Emily, Nancy, Laurie, Joan, Jodie, Tee, Naomi, Helen S., Elsie, Helen J.

Toasty warm: Elsie, Helen S. and Helen J.

We had a great breakfast--two hot egg dishes, scones, blueberry muffins, coffee cake, lots of fruit and plenty of coffee. Nancy even brought "healthy" pretzels for us to sample!

L to R: Pat, Elsie, Helen S., Joan, Helen J. and Laurie.

Emily, Tee, Naomi and Nancy.

As we always say, "A great time was had by all!"

Monday, September 18, 2006

Equinox Party Coming Soon

In September, 2003, we celebrated the autumnal equinox with an early morning party at a campgrounds about 5 miles from town. At that time we said we would do it again in two years. Ooops! We missed last year, so we will be celebrating it this coming Thursday morning at sunrise.

This was the view as the sun was coming up that cold morning in 2003.

The group saluted the sunrise before our campfire with mimosas. We then enjoyed a full breakfast.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

More on the Unveiling

Pat had a little more information to share about the "unveiling" of the painting. There were 12 WT's at the event.

Joan was able to salvage one photo of Dick and the painting as he explains how lithographs are made and talks about the painter, Fanch, who is a French artist, now living in California. During Dick's presentation there was a violent thunderstorm--a perfect setting for an English mystery.

They all enjoyed wine and cheese and sat and visited for about two hours!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Catching Up With Some of the WT's

Emily and her husband took a BWCAW Trip for the first time in many years. They thought they were too old to sleep on the ground. In fact, her husband slept in a hammock.

Mary's Honey Crisp apples are plentiful. She wonders if she will have to bring in some immigrant help to pick them for her! The little birds are hollowing them out. Rather than just taking a peck out of many, they had chosen a few and one was just a shell of an apple left after their feasting. Mary brought apples for all to coffee today.

The unveiling of the painting at Pat's house was nice. The painting, a lithograph, is "Interior With Two Picassos." Pat's husband gave a presentation about the artist and the painting. The group enjoyed studying it---lots of details including a pair of rose-colored glasses. Sorry we have no photos to share since Joan's batteries in her camera had died.

We had a big group for breakfast on Monday. We try to have breakfast together once a month--it's good for us and good for the business where we have coffee each morning.

Jodie has kept us posted on her fly fishing trip in Colorado through her own 'Blog. We are a traveling group and we do keep in touch with each other.

There was an article in the Duluth paper about the "rebirth" of our area. That was good news--especially after the announcement about the movie theatre's closing-- and we'll share it with our readers next week.

We'll also share information about our upcoming Autumnal Equinox party next week. Keep checking this spot.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Unveiling!

Pat and her husband took a cruise to Alaska earlier this summer. He bought a painting while they were aboard ship and she is having a WT get together on Wednesday, September 6, at their house. While the artist will not be in attendance, the buyer/owner will be there to provide a description and interpretation of the painting. Sounds pretty high society for us and it should be great fun!

Monday, September 04, 2006

A Very Sad Day Coming Soon

Our local movie theatre--the "Showhouse," as many locals still call it--will not be showing movies after this coming Thursday because of "financial conditions." We have all realized for some time that not enough folks have been supporting this business, so it is not a shock but still somewhat of a surprise.

Now we won't be able to sit at the bistro tables in the back of the theatre as we eat our pizza or subs and watch the movie. We will have to drive 16 miles to the closest movie theatre and it just won't be the same!

It is one of the only silver screens in this part of the state and they had put in Dolby Sound, so we were really up to date!

Their food business will still be available, and we hope that at some point we will have movies back! We hear that already folks are trying to figure out a way . . .

Sad day!