Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Healthy and Happy New Year To All!

Happy New Year to all of our relatives, friends, and loyal readers! We look forward to a healthy and happy New Year for everyone!

We also anticipate lots of zaniness and craziness in 2007--and we'll start right out this next week!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fun Visits!

Many of us have had a chance to visit Pat and are all amazed at her healthy and positive outlook on all that has happened in the past two weeks. We wish her a speedy recovery and will be sure to visit her often and help out as best we can.

We are planning a New Year's get together with Pat and Anna sometime this next week and will keep our loyal readers updated on all of the news.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wonderful News Today!

Pat is now at the local medical facility for her rehab. We don't know much about the details, but we had heard that she was close to being able to check out of the Duluth hospital and get into rehab. We were all hoping it would be closer to home--and this is the closest! Now, we can only hope that her husband will be joining her here shortly. We will wait to visit until we hear what she and the family want at this point!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas from the WT's!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Front: Mary, Emily and Jodie.
Sitting: Dorothy, Lorraine, Irene, Helen J., Pat, Elsie.
Standing: Laurie, Sharon, Helen S., Lil, Tee, Jo, Nancy, Joan and Naomi.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Another Update

One of us ran into Pat's daughter today. Dick is doing OK--still in a lot of pain. Sarah said he walked (with walker) about 20 feet this morning. They are hoping that they can get him home for Christmas. Pat had the skin graft (not as complicated a procedure as they had originally thought) and it went well. She might be starting rehab on Wednesday. The family is hoping it could be in Virginia so that she could be close Dick.

That is good news for all of us!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Another Christmas Event--Another Group Photo

Some of us visited Anna for a brief Christmas party and afternoon coffee on Thursday. Lil and Jo even drove from Virginia. Tee baked bars and bread and we enjoyed a nice visit. Of course, we had to have a group photo.
Front: Jodie, Irene, Anna.
Standing: Sharon, Lil, Jo, Tee and Mary.

We decided that we have to do this more often.

Perhaps wine and cheese in January?????

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Good (Health) News

Just a few updates on our group. Lorraine got home from the hospital on Tuesday after her Monday elbow surgery. She does not have quite the mobility that she had with the temporary cast but is doing fine.

Pat is out of ICU and in a regular room. She can receive e-mail there and is enjoying that. She is doing well.

We are all going to visit Anna today and will have coffee at her place. Should be a great time and we'll post some photos tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

We Are Persons of the Year!

Time magazine announced that the annual Person of the Year went to all of us--"citizens of the new digital democracy." The winners were anyone using or creating content on the World Wide Web. That is certainly the WT's since we are on the Web through this 'Blog, our website page, and our photos that we post on the Geocaching site. Plus--wasn't the World Wide Web named after us?

Congratulations to Us!
Sounds like a reason to have a party!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Lorraine's Surgery Went Well!

Lorraine's husband just called to say that she is out of surgery and in recovery (He had "orders" to report to us). The surgery took a little longer than expected and they found three bone fragments that had to be removed. She is now all "plated" together and will be in the hospital overnight and home tomorrow. The doctor said that everything had gone well.

We will be anxious to have her back "in the fold" and back at coffee as she feels better.

Now their travels will be a little more exciting as she sets off the alarms at airport security with her new hardware.

Another one of the "Walking Wounded" is fixed. We are so happy that it is a good outcome!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

WWW--A New Name--FOR NOW!

First of all--an update!

Pat and Dick are doing fine. Dick came out of his knee surgery just fine but is in a little pain now. Pat is not in any pain and her attitude is phenomenal, according to family and the pastor. She will need a skin graft because one of the bones poked through on her leg. That might even be done this week. The first round of family has returned to the Cities with the next batch coming on Tuesday. Both Pat and Dick are so thankful for surviving the accident. Pat remembers that she was able to touch the semi from the car. We all pray for a good recovery for both of them and will be anxious to visit.

We wish Lorraine well in her surgery tomorrow. Hopefully, we will know something early in the day so that we can report to our readers.

Last night Helen J. called from the Cities where she is visiting her daughters for the holidays. She called us the "Walking Wounded." I guess, in keeping with the "WWW" theme, that makes us the "Wonderful Walking Wounded." This is a temporary name and we will go back to the other name when we are all back at full strength--soon, we hope.

Your loyal writer will be gone until Wednesday night, so there might not be an update until then. Please check back for what we are sure will be good news.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


There was so much going on yesterday and the information kept changing about Pat and Dick. This seems to be right today:

Dick has some broken ribs and a shattered kneecap and had surgery for that on Friday afternoon. He delayed his own surgery until he could talk on the 'phone with Pat after her surgery. He told his brother-in-law that he loved the car and hoped he would get it back! Don't think that will be happening. He doesn't remember much of the accident.

Pat had a fractured knee cap on her left leg and a broken femur and ankle plus another break on her right leg. She had her surgery on Friday and was "feeling no pain" in the afternoon--good meds! She talked to Dick and also her brother on the 'phone and sounded fine. Pat remembers getting hit by the semi.

Their children are arriving. Evidently, some were on their way anyway for a cousins' Christmas reunion scheduled for next Friday evening. Their son and family and daughter and family are here and splitting their time between Virginia (Dick) and Duluth (Pat).

There was a short article in the paper today about it:
Pat might not appreciate that they listed her age!!!

We are all concerned and will try to keep our readers updated on what is happening to our group.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Not A "Good News" Day for the WT's

We have had some strange weather--rain mixed with snow. The sidewalks and streets have been treacherous for walking.

Yesterday Mary and Lorraine were walking to coffee, trying to stay on the crusted snow on the edge of the street to get more traction. Lorraine took a tumble and hurt her elbow, so Mary walked home with her and drove down to coffee by herself. Later in the day, we found out that the elbow was broken and she is now at home in a cast. On Monday she will have surgery to remove a bone fragment and to put in a plate. Mary was walking with Irene nearly three years ago when Irene fell and broke an arm. Now Mary worries that no one will want to walk with her in the winter!

This morning we saw a photo in the paper of a semi-trailer truck that had fishtailed and had an accident with a passenger car. We found out that it was Pat and her husband. He has some broken ribs and they kept him in the hospital overnight. She was taken to Duluth by ambulance (too foggy for the helicopter) with a broken knee cap on one leg and a broken hip and ankle on the other.

We are thankful that they are all OK but we worry about them nonetheless and hope for speedy recoveries. We are a "tight" group and will take care of each other!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

One If By Land, Two If By--Air???

"Listen, my children, and you shall hear . . ."

We've all read the poem and know the story of Paul Revere's ride through the streets of Boston warning that the British were coming. We only feel it is only fair to warn the current Boston citizens that the "Rangers are Coming!" Tee and Joan are off to another ElderHostel, this time in Boston.

They will be seeing one Boston Pops Christmas concerts plus another Christmas concert. They will also be seeing A Christmas Carol and The Nutcracker. That adds up to four events in six days. We fear that they will return with "TB"--"Tired Bottoms!"

They leave this weekend. We are always anxious to hear their stories when they return--sort of makes us feel as if we were right with them!

Monday, December 04, 2006


For those of us that forgot about the celebration in a neighboring town, we were reminded about 6:00 p.m. on Saturday when we heard the "booms" from the fireworks!
Weihnachtsfest is a festival that kicks off the holiday season. There were many people throughout this little town during the day enjoying the ethnic foods, caroling, plays and other activities. There was a horse-drawn wagon that took visitors on rides through the city streets. Another big draw was the annual craft show in the local pavilion. Of course, the food is always a huge event. Only non-profit groups can sell food, which is good so that they can get some of their projects funded. The ethnic music is also a big draw with polka music throughout the day (Emily's husband played his tuba for an hour; he had been skiing out West for 10 days and hadn't touched a mouthpiece, so his lips weren't in the best shape by Sunday when he delivered the sermon at church!). Although it was a cold afternoon, that did not deter people from enjoying the festivities.
The events cluminatewith the fireworks display and there were certainly plenty of "oohs" and "ahhs" for that.
There is always something going on in the northland!