Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Very Happy Birthday!

Today we celebrated Pat's birthday with our traditional Danish and a candle. Pat has driven herself to morning coffee for a few days. She said that she's happy to be here. We are happy she's with us, doing so well after her accident.

The Wt's are planning to breakfast with the new Lutheran pastor on Friday. We look forward to hearing about her adjustment to small town life. Her two congregations are having a welcoming reception for her and her family this week.

Our "Shopper" is reporting the Baptist Annual Corn Feed and a Lutheran church auction. A successful Victorian High Tea Fundraiser was held for Catholic pilgrims going to Australia. The churches are not letting any moss grow under their faith.

The lists for school supplies are out and there is a youth hockey meeting scheduled. Jolts us out of our hot weather lethargy. The Wt's are doing well, keeping up with their social calenders.