Sunday, April 27, 2008


We lost one of our own:
Anna passed away at the nursing home on Thursday, April 24th. She was a spark of laughter and reason for all of us through the years. We celebrated her 80th birthday in 2006 at Giant's Ridge (photo below). We will all miss her but will celebrate her life as we remember all of her antics and know that, because of her deep faith, she is in a better place!
It is still our loss.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


A great time was had by all!

Our road trip turned out bo be great fun again. We last attended the Plymouth Playhouse (see link on the right for the play) almost exactly two years ago; we saw the first "helping" of The Church Basement Ladies then. When we saw that there was a second "helping," we decided that another road trip was in order.

We left around 10:00 a.m. in three vehicles for the nine WT's from "up north" (Sharon and Tee drove, Joan drove herself because she was heading to Brainerd afterwards for a Knowledge Bowl event, and Jodie, who now lives in the Cities, met us there). We stopped in Hinckley to eat; the service was a little slow and we were afraid we would not get there in time for the Happy Hour at The Green Mill. Our intrepid (and fast) drivers made it there and we arrived around 2:30, which gave us plenty of time to check in, get settled, get changed and meet for a drink in the bar.

The waiter in the bar said that ten of us would not fit at the table. Little did he know what we can do--especially, when challenged! This was the same table that we occupied two years ago. Clockwise from the bottom: Pat, Elsie, Janet (hiding behind Pat--usually Tee is the one hiding!), Mary, Jo, Naomi, Joan, Jodie, Tee and Sharon.

After drinks, some of us went back to our rooms to change and the rest waited for the others to return. We got our aprons from Mary and headed off to take some photos and to eat.

Elsie (left) and her daughter Nancy. Nancy moved from out East to the Cities and works close to where we were staying, so she joined us for dinner. She was even gracious enough to wear an apron with us!

Mary, our "apron lady" (see the link for Mary's Productions on the right), does her best Vanna White impression before dinner.

Nancy also took our traditional group photo:

Seated L to R: Mary, Pat, Naomi, Elsie and Tee.

Standing L to R: Jodie, Joan, Janet, Sharon and Jo.

We had plenty of people coming up to us all evening to ask about the aprons. We gave out several of Mary's business cards, so we hope that they all look at her website and purchase books or something else from her.

The play was very enjoyable and everyone in the audience seemed to enjoy it--Lutherans are able to laugh at themselves and the Methodists and Catholics laughed the loudest! It was a little more poignant than the first "helping." There were two actresses listed in the playbill for the same character--the one that had played Mrs. Snustad in the first "helping" had a kidney transplant last November and an insert indicated there is a benefit coming up on April 21 for her. The character of Mavis was played by the same actress as the earlier play and she is still a riot!

As with all of us, the characters undergo some "life changes" during the course of the four acts. All of us can relate to these changes on various levels.

We even had time (and energy) after the play to have a "nite cap" in the bar!

The group had to get back for some evening events (we had already missed the Salad Luncheon on Wednesday to raise money for the Fourth of July): Some were going to a sloppy joe dinner followed by a town meeting, some were heading to Eastern Star, and others had still other meetings. We are still a VERY busy group!

Now we have to plan another adventure or two. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Field Trip!

We (nine of us from the northland are meeting one who lives in the Cities) are off to the Cities to see the play The Church Basement Ladies: A Second Helping. Two years ago we had a similar field trip when we saw the first one. We had a great time and look forward to another adventure for this sequel.

We are heading out around 10:00 and will stop in Hinckley for lunch. Then we head to the Plymouth Playhouse where we will be checking into the "Play and Stay" package--staying at the Kelly Inn, eating at the Green Mill and then attending the play (and we will also do some "playing" to keep with the Play-and-Stay theme). We are sure there will be many stories to tell after this trip!

Of course, we will share them with our faithful readers!