Saturday, June 28, 2008


The annual Relay For Life was held today. It has changed since we first participated beginning in 2001. This year it was called the Pine Grove 2-Step: Pine Grove is the local park. The "2-Step" stands for the fact that the money raised is going to two different groups: the American Cancer Society and Care Partners, which is a regional organization. Both are great causes.
The local committee decided to honor a person or a group that had given to the event in the past and the Walkie Talkies were the group that was chosen. We were involved in the first Relay For Life as committee members and a team. We participated for several years and decided to let other groups take over. We were the first Bronze Team and the first Silver Team, which means that we raised a lot of money for the cause!
Front: Emily, Jo, Lil, Mary, Helen S., Lorraine, Jodie and Dorothy.
Middle: Pat, Helen J. and Joanie.
Standing: Sharon, Tee, Janet, Irene, Elsie and Laurie.
We are kind of the "walking wounded," as Tee says. Joanie and Dorothy were recently hospitalized and many of us have some aches and pains!
John and Louie played some lively music and the Walkie Talkies took the first lap of the Relay.

Emily and Laurie do their own version of the 2-step to the music.
There we go--the committee gave us a special color t-shirt with our team name on the backs.
Jo wore earrings that were the same color as the t-shirts. She models them plus the scarves that Mary made for members through the years. (Jo was upset because it wasn't her "best side." We think she looks great!)
We do love to eat. Helen and Tee help the cause by buying lunch after our trip around the paths.

Pat, Helen J., Emily and Jo do their share.
We were all pleased that the committee decided to honor us the way that we did. It gave us a chance to get together as a group and to remember some of the great Relays that we enjoyed in the past.