Monday, September 22, 2008


In the past, the Walkie Talkies have celebrated the autumnal equinox by watching the sunrise over a nearby lake. This year we decided to find a quick geocache (see the geocaching link on the right) and then have lunch at Four Corners. There were eight of us that found the cache and then we crossed the highway and met the other four at the restaurant.
Tee, Irene, Jo, Linda, Janet, Mary and Lorraine at the cache site. We forgot to bring any "swag" to trade so we just signed the log and left for lunch.
Getting ready for a great lunch:
Mary, Janet, Linda, Lorraine, Irene, Tee and Jo.
"A good time was had by all," as they say. It was certainly nicer to celebrate at a decent hour rather than getting out to the lake at 6:00 a.m.
Yes, we do know that the Equinox is tomorrow, but who would dare to question a group like ours?!
We did miss the mimosas. Next time we'll have them!