Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wonderful News

The WT's heard wonderful news for the new year. Mary is engaged to be married to her friend, Doug. They are a successful blind date. We are very happy for Mary but told her that she can't leave the neighborhood. No plans have been made yet, but we will keep you posted. Congratulations to them!

Our morning coffee group is quite small, lately. WT's are slowly coming back from Christmas trips and guests. We are looking forward to the new year, 2010. It was totally amazing when we turned the calenders to the year 2000 and now we will be ten years into it--more amazing. We have not talked about any big plans anyone has for celebrating. Watching the New Year's ball come down, sitting in a warm robe with a cup of hot chocolate sounds very festive. That would work well for watching the Rose Bowl parade, as well.

May you find warmth, comfort, health, love and happiness in the New Year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

WT's at Christmas

There are many Christmas festivities for the WT's to take part in as the days go by to Christmas Day. One evening, an old Finnish custom is taking place at a cemetery. Ice candles are made and candles placed at the graves. They glow warmly in the winter night. There is a feeling of family gathered around through the ages, a peacefulness.

Churches are hosting children's Christmas programs. The Lutherans had a hint of what's to come as they enjoyed the song, "Go Tell it on the Mountain" sung by the little ones last Sunday. A four year old young man used his hands as a megaphone and really told it on the the mountain. Eyes were watering from muffled laughter. Children bring us to the joy of Christmas.

There are community children's Christmas parties with Santa and treats. "Polar Express" is showing at a local library. You may feel free to wear your pajamas and bring a pillow and a blanket.

The schools are open until 12:30 p.m. on December 23rd. The teachers may have a time keeping the students focused. Gone are the two week breaks during the holidays.

The Chamber of Commerce is having drawings at local stores for holiday hams.

WT's are in various stages of Christmas preparations--some bake many goodies and some not any. Children are coming home and other WT's are going to their children's' homes. We will have candlelight services to attend, carols to sing and the sharing of Christmas warmth and love.

Have a Merry Christmas!