Wednesday, December 22, 2010

WT's Christmas Breakfast

Merry Christmas
from the WT's
From front left to back: Mary, Lorraine, Tee, Linda, Nancy, Janet, Laurie, Sharon and Pat

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fall to Winter

The Wt's love a challenge as demonstrated the other morning. After an ice and snow fall with slippery everything, eight WT's showed up for morning coffee. Nancy took up the challenge and drove in from the country. A hearty group.

We learned a new word last week--naturist. Mary had a cab driver recently who said that he was a naturist. Mary couldn't guess that it meant a nudist. We didn't think the word is in a dictionary. "Google" has information about magazines covering the topic and there is a book at Amazon called, "Fun in the Sun". The cab driver said that there is a camp for nudists in our state. Mosquitoes came to mind.

We are missing Helen J. who fell while visiting her daughters. She was hospitalized with some injuries but no broken bones. We wish her well.

The WT's think that winter and the shorter days came too fast. Someone mentioned that in just four weeks we will start to add a little more daylight to our days. Irene said that we have good days and challenging days. (No bad days.) We can hang in there and meet the challenges and count our blessings--health, family and friends. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Season of Changes

Once again, the WT's are into the hunting and gathering season. Not many have hunters in their families but the WT's are accomplished gatherers. The craft and bazaar sales are beginning with reminders of buying gifts for the holidays. The gardens have been cleaned up and leaves are crunched and mulched. Some WT's cover garden areas with some of the millions of pine needles that are on the ground.

The Lutheran Holy Rollers have completed their lefse bake and sale. It was a great success. Mary is busy teaching seminars. Helen J. has been at her daughters' for awhile. Another WT, Darlene, moved away. Sharon and Lorraine are in an osteoporosis exercise class to build stronger bones. Every little bit helps.

Lorraine's husband had an accident and suffered a spinal cord injury. After two surgeries and complications of pneumonia he is still hospitalized after two months. Returning home will involve a long rehab and learning how to live differently.

The WT's keep in mind that everyday is a blessing to enjoy the best we can. Walking, talking, laughing and supporting each other makes a good day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Remembering Joan


Joan died last Friday morning after a courageous two year battle with cancer. She was a wonderful example of living each day and enjoying it the best that you can. She came to lunch or breakfast with us even if she couldn't eat. She came to keep in touch with friends. We will miss her.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Celebrating Mary

Mary and her grand niece, Stella

The WT's had a wonderful time celebrating the upcoming marriage of Mary and Doug with a large group of friends and relatives. We enjoyed dinner at our local ski/golf lodge. While waiting for our dinners, we played two games involving words about weddings and a game called, "What's in your purse?" Points were assigned to items such as a band aid, cell phone, scissors, calculator, etc. Those who didn't bring a purse were thinking they would've won a prize with the contents of their purses at home.

After introducing all the guests, Mary told the story of how she and Doug met, (a successful blind date) and how the wedding plans were going. The big day is this Saturday at Doug's family's cabin.

Mary was happy to have her niece Sarah here from Norway with her two daughters, Stella and Maya. We wish Mary and Doug all the best!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Breakfast Guests

Tee, Mary, Larry, Michael and Elsie
This morning, we were honored to have Larry and Michael, Elsie's son, both Doctors of Music, with us for breakfast and conversation. Michael gave a wonderful performance on the new organ in the Lutheran church on Sunday morning. The congregation was excited to hear the range of music and sounds the organ was capable of, as Michael played.
Naomi, Lorraine, Irene, Laurie and Nancy
Our summer breakfast group is smaller than usual. We were enthused with our guests as much as two tables full would be. Michael and Larry live in the southeast and comparing ways of speaking was interesting.
Helen S. flew out of our town, on her way to live near her daughter. We wish her well. Helen J. is back in the Cities to be with her daughters, grandaughter and great grandaughter because the city is digging her street down to the pipes, for repair. This is the season.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Swiftly Summer

The WT's are in the "summer is going too fast, we have to hurry and get things done" mode. There are reunions, weddings, graduations, festivals, going to cabins and traveling. We are having a beautiful summer, wondering if we are in the right northern state.

Graduations and parties are over. Lorraine had a grandson graduate. She cooked up potato salad for 80 people and probably could mix up a batch while dozing off.

Mary is busy with wedding plans, planning another book and working on teaching trips. She will have a private wedding ceremony in August and a reception in September. She is the youngest WT, so she is doing well with everything she has to remember.

Sharon has a new great grandson. She's busy staining the outside of her house. Helen J. has a new great granddaughter. A wonderful addition to the celebration of her 90 years. Pastor Barb is away at school for a few weeks. Joan is in rehab, working to gain some strength back. Helen S. will be moving to be near her daughter. We will miss her.

The 4th. of July was full of celebrations and reunions. More people seem to come home for the 4th. than for Christmas. The WT's have wondered, at times, what we could do to march in the parade. A nearby town has a women's precision lawn chair team, doing fancy maneuvers with fold-up lawn chairs. At various intervals, they sit down and have a drink. We could handle the sitting part.

The music festival has come and gone. The young people, with extreme talent, at the music camp in town are from all over the world. The WT's enjoyed many concerts and an opera.

A Water Carnival is coming up this weekend. Three days filled with tournaments, a parade, music, food, a water ski show and fireworks. Hopefully, one day soon, we will all have time to sit in the shade, listen to the birds or read a book. That is part of summer, too.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wedding Plans

Mary and Doug
The WT's are excited to tell you that Mary and Doug will be getting married in August. We are looking forward to the celebration. We always enjoy a party and this will be a very happy reason to party.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Special May Day

This was a wonderful day of celebration for Helen's 90th. birthday. Her daughters and granddaughter gave her a party with an abundance of good food, music and birthday cake. Included in the large gathering were fifteen WT's. Jo and Lil, who had moved away, came over. We had a great visit.

Helen's daughters made bookmarks, with meaningful quotes, as mementos of her birthday. One that the WT's appreciate says: "All are needed by each one; Nothing is fair nor good alone." Ralph Waldo Emerson


WT's: Seated, Joan, Nancy and Helen

L to R: Jo, Lil, Helen S., Pat, Irene, Tee, Linda, Naomi, Janet, Lorraine, Dorothy

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Fever

Avid WT gardeners are waiting for the soil to thaw. We don't think anyone has dug down to check it out. Spring is now more than a promise. Rhubarb is peeking through and we have feared for our tulips and spring flowers as they are tricked into forgetting where they grow. Spring can be covered with snow at any time.

Our monthly breakfast gathering brought together ten WT's and Dorothy's daughter from Ohio last Monday. Joan left to begin a new round of chemo and to go to Indiana to be with her son and family for Easter. She enjoyed her trip. Naomi and Darlene had a good trip to Mexico. Irene enjoyed her jaunt to Nevada with some friends. Mary has been busy designing and sewing sweatshirts for taping two sessions on the "Sewing with Nancy" television program. Pastor Barb welcomed a new granddaughter into the world. Lorraine's grandson completed four years in the Navy by spending time in Haiti after the earthquake. His ship was on the way to Africa when they changed course. He filmed his experiences in Haiti and was featured on a regional t.v. news broadcast.

Our high school basketball team went to the state tournament, the first time in many years. They lost their first tournament game but had a wonderful time. Fans dressed in red and black filled the bleachers. The team was lead out of town by police cars, fire trucks and ambulances with their sirens blaring.

Our excitement for our local theater to begin showing movies again, died with a fire in the building. They were going to reopen with the movie, "Avatar" last Friday. The fire was on the Monday before. There are no definite plans to begin showing films again.

Our community is bursting with many fund raising events. The fire department is having a pancake feed on a Sunday. There is a salad luncheon coming up to raise funds for the 4th. of July celebration and plans for a huge community rummage sale. There is a youth hockey banquet, cancer survivor dinner, Ducks Unlimited banquet and a church rummage and bake sale. We do like to eat!

We can rest from all of the activity by picking up some new books by our favorite authors at the library. Fun reading for spring.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with family or friends. Four Lutheran choir members had a busy time on Easter Sunday. They played bells in the bell choir, dashed into their choir robes, sang in the choir, dashed out of their choir robes and played with the bell choir twice again. Spouses probably considered a new meaning for the word, ding-a-lings. Happy Spring!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


"Ever feel like a vinyl record in a compact disc world? You don't fit the equipment, you can't get anyone to repair you and you are going at the wrong speed." Erma Bombeck

The WT's are making an effort to keep up with the technical world, although several do not own a computer or a cell phone. Jodie tried to help us, when she was here, especially with computer questions. She took us on treasure hunting adventures, geocaching, with a portable GPS.

Mary received a Kindle for Christmas--a thin, small electronic book reader. She demonstrated it at coffee several mornings. The astonished comments included: "You get the books without plugging it in? The words just come out of the air! It will read to you! You can choose the size of print? You can read newspapers from around the world?" The amazement went on and on. You would think an alien landed in our midst.

The WT's had a great group of nine at coffee last week. We are slowly coming back from illness and travel. It's good to have Joan and Dorothy back. Darlene is leaving for a vacation in Mexico and Mary is in Tennessee and back to her travel schedule.

The churches are gathering on Wednesdays for a soup supper and a Lenten service, alternating churches and pastors each week. Six churches, of several denominations, are participating. The singing of hymns is uplifting as a church is filled each week.

There is a Cabin Fever Dinner/Dance coming up with an Italian buffet cooked by our mayor, Mary, who is an excellent cook. They will be raising money for our 4th. of July celebration. We heard the hopeful news, that our theater may be reopening soon.

The sun has been shining and the snow is slowly melting. Walking is a little easier and warmer. Darlene, Mary and Lorraine have been walking on most days. They are inclined to drive to coffee in the below zero ranges. In days gone by, WT's walked at 20-30 below zero. Tee and our late WT, Margaret, walked at a historic 50 below zero one day, years ago. Joan, Tee, Sharon and Irene have been walking in the school to avoid the ice and cold. When the walking is done, we have no problem with the talking.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January and Winter

Snow and sunshine
January is nearly over. Winter returned with rain, snow and below zero after a brief warm spell. January is a condition in the North. It's not noticing the dust in your house, looking in the refrigerator with no clue for dinner and making the bed in the morning, looking forward to crawling back into the flannel sheets as soon as possible. Fortunately, one day Emily drove down in ice and snow from her north woods for lunch with the WT's. That was a bright spot.
The big event in January is the Pepsi Challenge cross country ski race at our local ski area. The Saturday event included heavy rain, which was a new experience for the skiers. Some of the WT's worked as volunteers during the race.
Dorothy is enjoying a break with her husband in a retirement apartment, near their daughter, in Ohio. Three meals, cleaning and many activities included, sounds like a vacation to us. Joan is planning to come home for three months. We look forward to seeing her. Laurie and her husband were in Florida. They volunteered at the Disney Marathon Race. Helen has been with her children for a few months.
We were sorry to learn that our local theater has closed. It was an asset to our small town. We were able to see first run movies with a wonderful sound system.
There are activities to keep us busy. There is an ice fishing contest coming up in our area. Substantial prizes will be given for the largest walleye and northern. There is a cluster of ice fishing houses on the lake.
The libraries are running their adult winter reading programs--"Hot Reads-Cold Nights" from January 19 through March 12. If you read five books or more, you will be eligible for prizes.
The Senior Center is advertising a Pot Luck Super Bowl Party. There will be door prizes and drawings. The WT's aren't enthused about pot lucks since they aren't very interested in cooking.
February is around the corner. Brighter days are ahead and Valentine's Day with promises of chocolate.