Saturday, February 20, 2010


"Ever feel like a vinyl record in a compact disc world? You don't fit the equipment, you can't get anyone to repair you and you are going at the wrong speed." Erma Bombeck

The WT's are making an effort to keep up with the technical world, although several do not own a computer or a cell phone. Jodie tried to help us, when she was here, especially with computer questions. She took us on treasure hunting adventures, geocaching, with a portable GPS.

Mary received a Kindle for Christmas--a thin, small electronic book reader. She demonstrated it at coffee several mornings. The astonished comments included: "You get the books without plugging it in? The words just come out of the air! It will read to you! You can choose the size of print? You can read newspapers from around the world?" The amazement went on and on. You would think an alien landed in our midst.

The WT's had a great group of nine at coffee last week. We are slowly coming back from illness and travel. It's good to have Joan and Dorothy back. Darlene is leaving for a vacation in Mexico and Mary is in Tennessee and back to her travel schedule.

The churches are gathering on Wednesdays for a soup supper and a Lenten service, alternating churches and pastors each week. Six churches, of several denominations, are participating. The singing of hymns is uplifting as a church is filled each week.

There is a Cabin Fever Dinner/Dance coming up with an Italian buffet cooked by our mayor, Mary, who is an excellent cook. They will be raising money for our 4th. of July celebration. We heard the hopeful news, that our theater may be reopening soon.

The sun has been shining and the snow is slowly melting. Walking is a little easier and warmer. Darlene, Mary and Lorraine have been walking on most days. They are inclined to drive to coffee in the below zero ranges. In days gone by, WT's walked at 20-30 below zero. Tee and our late WT, Margaret, walked at a historic 50 below zero one day, years ago. Joan, Tee, Sharon and Irene have been walking in the school to avoid the ice and cold. When the walking is done, we have no problem with the talking.