Friday, April 15, 2011


We have lost our eldest, our very good friend and the "mother" of our group: Helen passed away this week. She was a retired teacher and lived for all of her families--her daughters and granddaughter and great-granddaughter, her Lutheran family, her retired teacher family and her Walkie Talkie family. We will remember her words of wisdom that she shared with us each time she joined us for coffee or an "adventure" and her political comments at election time (when she was never shy about expressing her beliefs!).

On May 1, 2010, she celebrated her 90th birthday will all of her "families." She was the "Queen Mum" with her tiara.

We will all miss her!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

We're Still Here

"Some say you can always tell how exciting your life is by the hour you get into your nightclothes. Sometimes we have to change our pajamas because we dribbled our dinner onto them." Erma Bombeck

Despite a long break since the last posting, the WT's are still active and enjoying life in our small town. We probably don't put on our nightclothes until after dinner.

The dirty spring snow, snirt, is on the way out. The gardeners are reporting green perennial leaves peeking through the soil. The crows came back the middle of March and are having noisy, cawing conventions on garbage collection day, discussing their best finds, pecking through the plastic bags on the curbs.

Pat was able to travel to visit her daughter and family in Amsterdam, going with her son and daughter-in-law. We are waiting to hear how she enjoyed the trip. Dorothy and her husband spent an enjoyable month in a senior apartment building in Ohio, near their daughter. Naomi celebrated her birthday at a brunch with her family. Several of the WT's met Emily, who left her north woods, for dinner and a meeting about "A Crime Wave". Three mystery writers were in town to discuss their work.

Helen J. is staying at her daughter's home. We miss her. Irene has been busy working at projects at church. Mary is working on a new pattern. Sharon and her husband have attended some college hockey games. Lorraine is immersed in caregiving duties since her husband has been home after five months in hospitals. He is paraplegic, the result of his accident last Labor Day weekend.

The ads in our Shopper reflect the hopes for spring. There are meetings for softball teams, summer seasonal employment, tuneups for lawnmowers and rummage sales. Since we all enjoy good food, we have choices--the Ducks Unlimited Banquet, the Fire Dept. pancake feed, ham bingo and a local mystery dinner theater, "Who Turned Out the Lights?" The A&W opened in the middle of March to encourage us along the long winter.

The church Lenten soup suppers and services have been packed. Several new churches have joined the round robin of services. The Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Covenant, and Church of God churches are all sharing their faith together. Lorraine and her husband were honored last week with recognition and applause for being in church. Pastor mentioned that they had not been there for many months. Her husband thought that could be a dubious honor, but they were very happy to be there.

The morning WT coffee group has been rather small these days but the conversation is great!