Monday, August 01, 2011

Spring to Summer

Our Spring Breakfast

Irene, Sharon, Dorothy, Dorothy's daughter Mary and son-in-law, Nick

Mary, Emily, Tee, Lorraine, Naomi, Mary, Irene, Sharon and Dorothy

We enjoyed having breakfast with Mary and Nick, visiting from Colorado. We continue to have breakfast the first Monday of each month but don't always get a picture.

Our neighbors have come to mind lately, as most of the WT's live in the same neighborhood. A neighbor down the street has put their clothes lines to an interesting, perhaps good use. They are heavy with thick grape vines, abundant with fruit for home made wine. A young couple close by took their clotheslines down when they moved in. They weren't being used. Now, their clothes pole holds a swing for their little boy. Some of the WT's still enjoy hanging clothes outside, summer or winter. One WT has a granddaughter who said, "Eeew, people can see your underwear hanging on the line." The grandmother thought that with what the teens wear now-a-days, it hardly matters what is on the line.

The WT's are slowing down some. Some of the busyness of summer has gone by--the 4th. of July, Water Carnival and families visiting. But gardens are coming to their peak so it will get busy again.

We enjoyed having Jodie and Jo come to visit at afternoon coffee. It's always nice to see WT's who have moved away.

The school fall sports practices are starting in two weeks. Fund raisers are beginning. The class of 2013 is hosting a fish fry. The local florist is advertising fall and winter wedding planning.

Our WT's are hanging in there. Dorothy had heart surgery and is at her daughter's in Ohio, recovering well. Naomi is in the hospital with pneumonia this week. We look forward to seeing them home and well. Our coffee groups are small now and then but we never tire of interesting discussions and laughter, laughing at ourselves. "Blessed are they who laugh at themselves for they will never cease to be amused."