Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Laurie, Janet, Naomi, Elsie, Sharon, Tee, Linda, Irene, Lorraine (hiding behind Nancy), Nancy

The WT's pictured are having a wine and cheese party to cheer Lorraine in the hospital. She had surgery for a broken femur. This was the result of reaching on a top shelf in a store with her foot on the bottom shelf and falling backwards when the edge of the top shelf broke. After three weeks in the hospital and rehab, she is at home waiting to heal so she can resume full care of her husband once again. Life is always a surprise.

The WT's keep busy. Dorothy and her husband are still near their daughter in Ohio. Mary and Doug celebrated their first anniversary in September. Pat is serving on a committee that shares local ideas and input about our clinic and hospital care. A new clinic is being built.

Fall passed by quickly. We have a covering of white. The squirrels are still hunting and gathering, mouths full of pine cones. Earlier in the fall, a squirrel in a tree threw a green pine cone at Lorraine and her dog. He froze on the branch when the dog looked up. The deer hunters finished the season last weekend. They will have stories to tell. The high school boys' cross country team made it to the state finals, coming in ninth there. They did very well.

Thanksgiving is upon us. One of the few holidays that doesn't involve gifts or treats. We can enjoy good food and each other. Many Thanksgiving blessings to you, your friends and families.