Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Greetings

Annual Christmas Breakfast

   Lorraine, Irene, Sharon, Nancy, Tee, Elsie, Janet and Naomi

The WT's enjoyed their annual Christmas breakfast on Monday.  Many of us ordered the Belgian waffle with strawberries and "don't be shy" with the whipped cream.  We were happy to get together before some more WT's leave for various holiday destinations.  We hope they make it through the snow blowing through the midsection of our country. 

Mary has been with her husband, Doug, as he is receiving treatment for a recurring cancer.  He has been in the process of preparation and injection of his own stem cells.  They are keeping us posted and eveything looks positive.  We are learning new things as they share their experience.  Tee visits her husband in a nursing home a little distance away and Pat sees her husband in the nursing home in town.  Lorraine is still caring for her husband at home.  The WT's are busy being caregivers in many ways. 

Elsie is on her way to visit her son in North Carolina.  Other WT's are making shorter trips to be with family.  Christmas is about family and friends, everything else is tinsel, a little extra sparkle.  We wish you the warmth of family and friends this Christmas, the blessings in our lives.   

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Remembering Friends

Once again we are mourning the loss of fellow WT's.  Dororthy died on August 28, 2012.  She and her husband spent the last year near their daughter in Ohio.  While there, Dorothy had heart surgery and didn't regain her former strength.  Dorothy always had a concern for others, had a quiet sense of humor and enjoyed learning about and sharing new things with us.  We miss her kindness and the interesting conversations we shared. 

We also lost Maggie on August 19, 2012.  She suffered from dementia for ten years.  We always enjoyed her stories about growing up in a family with twelve children.  Her quiet manner and ever ready smile is missed.


Friday, June 01, 2012

Almost Summer

The garden centers are are busy with everyone anticipating summer.  The deer have been enjoying the WT gardeners' lovely flowers and shrubs since the grass turned green.  Discussions about the current deer repellents are common at morning coffee.  The deer have the entire north woods to munch on but they prefer the urban snacks and greens. 

The gardeners among us are waiting for the next full moon before doing their serious planting.  We are still wary of frost at anytime before that.  Those of us who don't garden watch our perennials come up, hoping they grow bigger than the weeds so the weeds won't show. 

Memorial Day weekend was mostly rainy and wet but the services at the cemetery went on.  Graduation takes place this Friday so our shopper paper is full of invitations to open house parties for the graduates.  Each home has tables full of delicious food.  Sometimes one has to attend several parties in a row.  You have to pace yourself, while eating.  Lorraine has a lot of celebrating to do with two grandchildren graduating from high school and three from college this month, all in the area. 

The church quilters are tying up loose ends, so to speak, for their summer break.  One Lutheran church gives quilts to their graduates.  They were honored to gift five graduates with quilts.  Three Lutheran churches are looking for a pastor to shepherd all three.  Much prayer and blending of policies is taking place.

Our clinic is moving into their new facility at the local hospital this week.  We look forward to the open house and viewing the new rooms and equipment. 

We enjoyed a surprise visit with Jodie a few weeks ago.  We miss her since she moved to the big city.  The WT's are doing well, getting ready for the busy summer and looking forward to friends and family visiting our north country.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Sometimes, daily life overtakes us.  We move more slowly so the time goes quickly.  Hence, not much gets written on the blog.

The WT's survived the mild winter.  Our group at morning coffee is usually 4-5 WT's.  We are glad that Tee is doing o.k. since her time in the hospital with an irregular heart beat.  Dorothy and her husband are still in an assisted living home near their daughter in Ohio.  Lorraine is walking/limping without a cane since her broken leg last fall.  Pat makes it to coffee now and then--we always enjoy seeing her.  She spends time with her husband at the nursing home.  Naomi spent some time in Mexico with her children.  Sharon has a new great grandchild and has been busy sewing on quilts and wall hangings.  Mary is on her travel/seminar schedule.  Irene enjoys going to dances in the area.  Nancy helps us keep track of world events and events in our country.  Also, she promotes eating more healthy food--read the labels! 

The various school sports boosters are raising funds with a fish fry, spaghetti feed and hamburger fry.  Spring cleaning is sprouting rummage sales at churches and communities are having rummage sales to raise funds for the Fourth of July celebrations. 

Golf leagues are meeting and playing--taking advantage of the odd weather patterns--warm weather in March.  We are grateful for the nice days even if it messes with our northern psyches.  We can adjust.   Happy Spring!