Friday, June 01, 2012

Almost Summer

The garden centers are are busy with everyone anticipating summer.  The deer have been enjoying the WT gardeners' lovely flowers and shrubs since the grass turned green.  Discussions about the current deer repellents are common at morning coffee.  The deer have the entire north woods to munch on but they prefer the urban snacks and greens. 

The gardeners among us are waiting for the next full moon before doing their serious planting.  We are still wary of frost at anytime before that.  Those of us who don't garden watch our perennials come up, hoping they grow bigger than the weeds so the weeds won't show. 

Memorial Day weekend was mostly rainy and wet but the services at the cemetery went on.  Graduation takes place this Friday so our shopper paper is full of invitations to open house parties for the graduates.  Each home has tables full of delicious food.  Sometimes one has to attend several parties in a row.  You have to pace yourself, while eating.  Lorraine has a lot of celebrating to do with two grandchildren graduating from high school and three from college this month, all in the area. 

The church quilters are tying up loose ends, so to speak, for their summer break.  One Lutheran church gives quilts to their graduates.  They were honored to gift five graduates with quilts.  Three Lutheran churches are looking for a pastor to shepherd all three.  Much prayer and blending of policies is taking place.

Our clinic is moving into their new facility at the local hospital this week.  We look forward to the open house and viewing the new rooms and equipment. 

We enjoyed a surprise visit with Jodie a few weeks ago.  We miss her since she moved to the big city.  The WT's are doing well, getting ready for the busy summer and looking forward to friends and family visiting our north country.