Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Greetings

Annual Christmas Breakfast

   Lorraine, Irene, Sharon, Nancy, Tee, Elsie, Janet and Naomi

The WT's enjoyed their annual Christmas breakfast on Monday.  Many of us ordered the Belgian waffle with strawberries and "don't be shy" with the whipped cream.  We were happy to get together before some more WT's leave for various holiday destinations.  We hope they make it through the snow blowing through the midsection of our country. 

Mary has been with her husband, Doug, as he is receiving treatment for a recurring cancer.  He has been in the process of preparation and injection of his own stem cells.  They are keeping us posted and eveything looks positive.  We are learning new things as they share their experience.  Tee visits her husband in a nursing home a little distance away and Pat sees her husband in the nursing home in town.  Lorraine is still caring for her husband at home.  The WT's are busy being caregivers in many ways. 

Elsie is on her way to visit her son in North Carolina.  Other WT's are making shorter trips to be with family.  Christmas is about family and friends, everything else is tinsel, a little extra sparkle.  We wish you the warmth of family and friends this Christmas, the blessings in our lives.