Thursday, August 15, 2013

Amazing Nature

This beautiful hint of Autumn was growing in the crack between the boards on a WT's deck.  There is no dirt there. 

An unbelieveably intricate spider web was gently blowing in a soft breeze one morning on a WT's clothesline.  There were several long strings of web attached to this "doilie" web from the branches of an evergreen tree next to the lines.  The WT's are always happy to see the many ways nature never ceases to surprise us. 

Monday, August 05, 2013

Time Flies

We hope that you are having a wonderful summer.  We appologize for the great lapse of time that has gone by since our last posting.  Time has a way of escaping from us. 

The gardening WT's have been struggling with late blooms this summer.  Since we had snow storms in April all things have slowed down.  We traded our clouds of snow for clouds of mosquitoes which makes gardening very difficult and annoying.  It would be convenient if the deer, who munch on the best blooms, would eat mosquitoes.  The deer have been seen eating some of Mary's green apples.  They can't wait.  

Our towns enjoyed another season of the Northern Lights Music Festival with classical music played by students from various parts of the world.  The opera, la Boheme was produced with great success.  The tickets were sold out.  Only in a small town can you purchase tickets to an opera at the local lumber company/hardware store.  There was an archery tournament in town.  This is the latest popular sport.  We had our local Fourth of July Fest and the Water Carnival in our neighboring city. 

Irene is recovering from an ordeal of complications, while having a pacemaker put in.  Pat is enjoying having her daughter with her and continues to support her husband in the nursing home.  Tee is doing the same, as her husband is also in a nursing home.  Lorraine's husband is still maintaining at home, with her care.  Elsie's son and his friend were visiting and gave a wonderful organ and piano concert at the Lutheran church.  They also brought a small choir from their home church in North Carolina to sing and visit the north country.  They were amazed to see live wolves at the wolf center.  Mary is busy writing a new book on appliques and sewing up samples.

The three area Lutheran churches are sharing one pastor and have added the Methodist pastor as part time help.  It's an exciting time to see what we can accomplish, sharing our talents. 

There is a little hint of fall in the cooler air, after a very hot month.  The fall schedules of events will be up and running soon.  We will try to keep up.