Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Another Loss

Last June, we lost another WT, Lil.  She was not able to be with us for several years, having to be in a home because of health and memory issues. 

She is remembered for her kindness, creativeness and being a good

Monday, August 18, 2014


A WT had this feather in her front yard one morning.  It was embedded in hard, dry soil.  How did it get there, upright and unbroken?  (It would be difficult to push it in without breaking it.)  Most amazing is that it withstood wind and rainstorms--standing upright in the elements.  The WT's have been standing upright the past year, through difficulties. 

Lorraine lost her husband last November and Pat's husband passed away two weeks later.  Sharon's husband has been treated for cancer and is doing well.  She has been busy helping him with nursing duties.  The days escape us as we all adjust to life's changes.  Time "jets" by.

We celebrated Elsie's 90th. birthday in June.  She's doing very well, active in church, clubs, family and gardening. 

Last October, we arrived at our morning coffee stop restaurant, (for 20 yrs. plus), to find a sign on the door: CLOSED.  We were stunned and had to find a new place.  Adjusting to a restaurant with coffee groups that were settled into "their" usual tables was not comfortable.  We felt displaced after feeling quite in charge of our own table in the past.  The new place is across the street, quite noisy with several tables of people in vibrant conversation.  We can still be flexible, although it takes longer to adjust, with a little mumbling added.  We're still keeping upright.