Saturday, December 31, 2005

Greetings on New Year's Eve

The Shopper has arrived early today to prepare us for all the activities for the New Year. Obviously, it is filled with ads wishing us all a great year.

We are already thinking ahead to the Fourth of July. There is a Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser on Jan. 10 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. The Fourth is always a huge celebration here--in fact, some people come "home" on the Fourth rather than for Christmas. Most of the class reunions occur at that time and it is great to see everyone out walking around town.

The Community Ed. folks are already anticipating "Cabin Fever" and have just the cure for it with several programs coming up: There is a concert for families on January 13 in the school auditorium. "Jackpine Bob" Cary will present a general show of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and show slides of all seasons and our neighboring animals in the school library on January 26. Sam Cook, a Duluth columnist and author (Northern Exposures) will speak about why we live here and show slides on fishing, backcountry travel, wildlife, North Country characters, camping with kids, etc. Those are great programs coming up to break up the long winter nights in northern Minnesota.

We can now rent "Fountains of Passion" for our parties. A local entreprenneur has chocolate fountain rentals for parties. The WT's will have to plan a party utilizing one someday soon.
It's a pretty slim Shopper this week. More next week . . .