Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Daughters of the American Revolution by Pat

Like many other members of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), I joined to please my mother. Membership requires proof of descent from a member of the military or a support group of the Revolutionary War. My plan was to prove that I was her daughter and join on her apron strings. Mother would have none of that. She had proved seven different lines and assigned me to another that she had not been able to prove several years before. It was a good move on her part. As I searched for birth and death certificates, marriage licenses and proof of service, I became fascinated with their social history. I found myself reading about the routes they must have traveled and marveled at thrir courage. It opened a whole new world!

My Chapter of DAR is the Daughters of Liberty Chapter in Duluth. It was organized in 1897 and has been active ever since. Our programs revolve around patriotic, historical and conservational topics. With more people becoming interested in computers and the increased capacity of genealogical research, we have been growing. We have two projects tht we are very proud of. We offer several $200 grants each year to teachers in the Duluth area for special class projects. We also sponsor and serve at a reception for immigrants on the day they become United States citizens. A most rewarding experience--their stories rival my ancestors' stories!

Check out the link for the Liberty Chapter on the right.