Sorry--the Shopper reporter was on vacation (is it still "vacation" if one is retired??), so there has been no news for two weeks.
Very short summary of our news:
Memorial Day is a big deal in our area. On Monday, May 29, there will be the Formation of the Color Guard and the raising of the flag at the American Legion Club. Then the group goes to several of the surrounding cemeteries for the services to honor those who have served our country. Of course, there will be lunch following the services at the Legion.
The music department has its Spring Concert on Thursday, May 25th, at 7:30 p.m. in the school gymnasium. We have some very talented students in the 6th grade and the junior high bands. We must go to see these youngsters!
There is a Finnish American Summer Festival in a community near here on June 3rd. That should draw many folks. Of course, there will be a Finnish meal served from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
There is going to be an all-city picnic coming up for all five communities. The committee is looking for volunteers.
There are several graduation photos congratulating some of the grads and announcing parties for these grads.
When we had our Centennial a couple of years ago, there was a special Pioneer Monument put up at the Community Center. Memorial bricks with individual and/or family names were placed on the walkways. There is an ad indicating that if we place our orders by June 1 the bricks will be in place for the Fourth of July celebrations.
The Fishing Contest is in full swing. Looks as if the winning walleye was 7 pounds. The winner did not indicate which lake he caught it in! Looks as if the Opener must have been pretty good.
It appears that the person who was looking for rotted cow and chicken manure still has not found it because the ad is still in print! Very interesting.
Looks as if The DaVinci Code is playing at the theatre. There will probably be lines for this one!
Sorry this is so brief, but the laundry and ironing are calling (Yes, some of us still iron!). Until next weekend . . .