Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Fab Five" Does Wisconsin!

Two of the Walkie Talkies--Mary and Tee--were part of the "Girls Gone Wild with a Rented Minivan" Road Trip. They motored to Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, on Thursday, August 3. The purpose of the trip was for Mary to tape a PBS fund drive with Nancy Zieman, to promote "Sewing with Nancy" on public television stations (see link on the right). The pledge special was LIVE in Wisconsin on Saturday, August 5 and was also taped for showing anytime during the next two years on public TV stations across the country. Mary was Nancy's guest, promoting the Sweatshirt Makeovers programs and book they taped in 2005. The other four road trip participants (Nancy H., Sarah, Renee and Tee) took pledges on the phone in the studio so you'll see them too if you watch the pledge special. In our area it'll be showing sometime in December (We will be sure to let our readers know when it'll be playing).
Photo above: Left to right--Nancy H., Sarah, Mary, Renee and Tee. The "Fab Five" with their mini van on a rainy Sunday morning before their return home.

Other activities included lots of sweet corn (and more that was brought home on Sunday), a trip by Sarah and Nancy to find a yarn shop located on a sheep farm, lunch at Chipotle on State Street in Madison, a great tour of Nancy's Notions with Deanna, and relaxing at the pool and the lovely back yard of Nancy and Richard Zieman. Richard was the head cook for two great outdoor dinners.

Above: The "Fab Five" with Nancy Zieman at her home where the group celebrated with a birthday cake for Nancy H. who soon has a milestone birthday. Seated: Sarah and Nancy H.

Standing L to R: Renee, Tee, Mary and Nancy Zieman.

P.S. Deanna called the group the "Fab Five." When Tee heard the name, she thought it was the "Fat Five!"