Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day

At coffee this morning we lamented that it was another miserable day and besides there would be no mail, no bank open, and no library what to do? Well, anyone who knows the Walkie Talkies knows that it is time to go out for lunch. And, why not visit an old huant that we haven't been to in ages. So with that thought,, eight of us decided to head up to Four Corners for some comforting grease.

The road was a bit iffy, but we all made it just fine. A was Senior Citizen discount day......did any of us qualify? We'll never tell. We soon settled on hot tea with lemon and honey for this cold day. Then a variety of 'grease' to satisfy our gratin potato soup, hamburgers and fries, patty melts, or deli sandwiches. Even a shrimp salad by one of our more diet conscious members!

Joan remembered her camera and just as she got up to take the required photo of everyone at the table.... another surprise! In walked Connie and Cal Maki. What a coincidence as we had just discussed how we always came here with Margaret before she died. (Connie is Margaret's daughter). We also talked about the birthday parties we used to have in January for Lorraine's doll Molly. We had a nice chat with Connie and then asked her to take our picture. She accomodated us and then Joan took one of the group with Connie and Cal.

So, here is our latest set of photos of the group doing what we do best.....eating.

Clockwise from back left: Janet, Irene, Nancy, Mary, Joan, Lorraine, Elsie, Naomi

Another shot with Cal and Connie standing in back.