Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Some Walkie Talkie Updates

The WT's had another party at the hospital/nursing home on Monday with Pat and Anna. There were fourteen WT's plus Sara, Pat's daughter. We enjoyed wine and cheese and crackers. The WT-owned wine glasses from our last party were delivered to Joan by Ralph, Irene's husband. Jo and Lil were there from out of town.

Pat expects to know more this month about how she is doing and when she can consider going home with a walker. Her husband might be able to go home in a couple of weeks.

It is still COLD but getting a little warmer. Sara's (Pat's daughter) car didn't start and it was in the garage. She claimed it was because it is a "wimpy" car from southern Wisconsin. Emily was the only one that walked on Tuesday since Mary was in Duluth for a meeting.

Mary is recommending the book, THE BLIND SIDE by Michael Lewis. It is a fascinating story about football. She said it's a bit about the history of high school and college football and also the true story of a high school player in Tennessee. She doesn't know much about football but said it is great. We'll all have to share it and check it out.

Mary is busy getting ready for her seminars. She is working on YaYa projects and an embroidery design CD for the big Expo in Puyallup, WA.

Mary and Tee attended Margaret Marvin's funeral in Warroad, MN, last week. Mary met Margaret on a Library committee and they became friends. Several years ago the WT's had an overnight field trip to visit her and Margaret was always a good friend to the WT's. Margaret and her husband owned Marvin Windows, a VERY successful Minnesota business. While they were there, Mary and Tee visited the new Visitor Center and the Marvin Window Museum completed in 2004 for the 100-year anniversary of the company. They said it is very classy and was organized by the same women who did the Spam Museum in Austin, MN. Margare't area was an old-fashioned chalkboard with the story of her arrival in Warroad to teach, an old radio which was playing a broadcast of one of her programs and a wagonload of books like the ones she and the Girl Scouts collected door to door before Warroad had a library. At the service, the two eulogies by Margaret's daughter and one of Margaret's former students referred to Margaret's joy at using her compter and email. Once, Mary and a friend (Nancy) met Margaret in International Falls to help her learn the computer.

There was a Mass for our friend Sue who passed away a year ago. On Sunday her husband and family were at the Methodist church where she was remembered with flowers and a special song by Emily and her husband. Her family filled two pews.

Lorraine is getting therapy for her elbow so we will have a more specific update about that soon.

The group is planning a lunch at Jo and Lil's for Monday, February 26th. We are all debaing what we will have to eat (of course).

It seems as if we will gradually be coming out of the deep freeze. It was 28 below zero at Emily's house on Sunday morning and 42 below in Embarrass, which is about 16 miles from us.

The weather doesn't keep us down and it kills all the germs. Perhaps that's why Minnesotans are such a healthy lot!

We'll "talk" again soon. Take care in the meantime!