Friday, February 16, 2007

We Are Surviving the Cold!

It has been very cold here but we are all surviving. Some of us walk but most of us drive to coffee in this weather (How cold is it? Well--Emily even drives occasionally!). We have had many days of below-zero weather, but it might be breaking a little now (we hope).

Naomi left for her trip to Mexico--perfect timing for the weather. Mary is off to Pittsburgh for her first work trip of the year--poor timing with the weather out East!

The local boys' basketball team won 16 games in a row. We have high hopes for them and there are a lot of fans attending the games now.

Nancy's Notions is having an Apron Challenge at the Sewing Weekend in May--sponsored by Mary's Productions! Anyone who enters has to use one of Mary's apron patterns. We hope this will be a great deal for Mary who is really getting into her "seminar season" now.

We'll keep you posted on future activities. One is our winter lunch at Jo and Lil's for February 26th. We've got our two sandwich loaves ordered, so lunch is all set.

Stay warm!