Sunday, April 23, 2006

'Blog to Shopper Writer, "Come in, Please!"

The spring in Minnesota marks the time when owners open their cabins. Since your Shopper writer is among that clan, this report on the local news is a little late. During the summer, she is also at the cabin many times when The Shopper arrives. Hang in there, however, as the news in our small town can generally wait for a couple of days--not much will change! By the way, the weather is lovely, the ice is out on all the lakes, the daffodils are blooming, and the leaves are starting to bud out! It doesn't get much better than that!

On to The Shopper news:

The towns are having their Spring Clean-up--time to make the cities shine! Some days, we can leave grass, leaves and brush curbside and it'll all be picked up (no animal waste, please) and on other days scrap metal, appliances (remove doors from refrigerators) and tires will be picked up. We are proud of our cities and we want them to look inviting since we get many visitors during the summer.

Girls (no, not "old" birds like the WT's) are encouraged to "Be a Queen." The winner, sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce, is crowned around the Fourth of July, wins a $500 scholarship plus other cash prizes. This is a good thing!

One of the Lutheran churches is looking for organ donations. No, not the musical type, but the ones inside us. They encourage us to make an organ donation--"Give hope, renew life," they say in the ad. Sounds good to many of us, who already have it listed on our driver's licenses.

One gentleman is looking for someone to move him to the Twin Cities--he'll pay $300 plus gas! We hate to see anyone leave but hope that he finds the help he needs and we wish him well!

There is a Bowflex for sale for $200. Wonder if it has EVER been used.

The Fourth of July Rummage sale is coming up on May 20th at the Community Center. They encourage us to rid our homes of unwanted items. Wonder exactly what they want and what we can get rid of! The committee is busy already for our big summer celebration.

The Relay For Life Rally is this Tuesday night at the Community Center. Many of us will attend the Rally.

The Hospital has a notice that they are going to start using an automated telephone answering system this week. We can press 0 at any time during the call to get the receptionist. Some of us don't like these systems and will probably dial 0 just to talk to the friendly receptionists. We have all been looking at a list of "How to Reach a Human" when we call larger companies and it does work well--we have no time to waste punching in numbers on a 'phone!

The first church Rummage and Bake Sale is coming up this Friday and Saturday. They are open from 8:00-noon. Some of us will be on the doorstep right away at 8:00 a.m.--those Lutherans really know how to bake!! Rummage to buy? We have enough of our own to get rid of!

There are several ads for positions that are open for the Recreation Department in our three towns and the rural areas. A nearby 4-H camp is also hiring--$135-220 per week plus room and board. Sounds good!

The Blood Mobile was here on April 18th and there is an ad thanking everyone for donating blood. The local Lutheran church sponsored it this time. They are generally here at least four times a year and it is always successful. We love to give--even our blood!

Looks as if real estate is starting to move as there are a few "Sale Pending" notices on some of the ads. We hate to see people leave, but sometimes they are just relocating within our towns and then new people come in.

There are several ads that indicate summer is around the corner: the garden centers are opening, the heating ads are now heating and "cooling," and we can order black dirt for our gardens.

Interesting ad: the Therapy Services department at our local hospital is having a fundraiser. The proceeds will go toward the new circuit training exercise equipment for the Community Fitness Center. The interesting part is that it is being held in a local bar with refreshments! Does anyone else see a little inconsistency there???

The Friday night Seafood Buffet is back beginning this coming Friday--all you can eat for $15.95. That is a very popular outing on Friday nights.

"The Shaggy Dog" is playing at the movie theatre until Thursday and then "R.V" starts.

Until next week--stay out of some trouble, enjoy a little trouble, and we'll be back!