Wednesday, April 26, 2006

In Praise of Praise

About twelve years ago, I was driving to our business. When I passed a certain house, I stopped when I saw a woman and a young boy shoveling their driveway because I had recognized the boy as a customer of ours. I walked up to the woman and said, "I'd like to tell you about your son." She immediately bristled and stood as if she expected the worst. I quickly explained that her son often came to our business and I just wanted her to know how polite he was and how much I enjoyed his visits and his business. I told her that something in the family was definitely happening the right way. She was so pleased that I had stopped to tell her. She indicated that sometimes parents don't know how much of what they say is actually getting learned by children. Needless to say, she was beaming as she walked back to her son who had continued to shovel the driveway.

Fast forward to Easter, 2006: I parked our van by a lake where our church was having an Easter sunrise service. A woman and an older woman emerged from the car next to ours. I reached out my hand and introduced myself. She said, "I know you. You're the lady that stopped one day several years ago and told me how polite my son was." She went on to say that every time he saw me after that--for tweve years!--he told her, "That's the lady that stopped and talked to you about me." She said that it made such an impression on both of them. He is now enrolled in the law enforcement program at a local community college and is doing really well. She said he has continued to be a good kid and they are very proud of him.

Let that be a lesson to all of us--give praise where it is due. Sometimes we do not hesitate to complain about someone or something but don't take the time to give positive feedback!