Friday, June 30, 2006

Northern Lights--Successful Opening Night

The Opening Night Concert of Laureates, Friday, June 30th, was a success! Once again, Veda Zuponcic, our home-grown concert pianist, put together a wonderful concert for the opening of the third annual Northern Lights Music Festival. Veda Zuponcic.
Kevin, age 14, from Cherry Hill, New Jersey, performed Bartok's Rumanian Dance, Op. 8a. Kevin, age 14, will be entering ninth grade in Cherry Hill, NJ, where he is active in the Jazz Band and other music endeavors. He was a finalist in the Young Pianist Competition in NJ. He has been taking lessons since age 5. In addition to being an accomplished pianist, he is also a tremendous math student, having won a math award from Johns Hopkins University. Kevin enjoys both classical and jazz music.
The audience tonight enjoyed his Festival debut and remembered him from his former perfomances here.