Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday--It's The Shopper News!

We'll take a break from the Outback because, once again, we have all that is new and good from The Shopper.

Our own WT, Laurie, is the weekly winner of the Community Spirit $50. We wonder who sold her the winning ticket???? Will we get a free cup of coffee this week?

As the Relay For Life draws closer (June 23-24) there are more ads for fund-raisers and other information. The Community Dinner will be held on Wednesday, June 21, at the Community Center. This year they are serving Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, beverages and cake. The cost is only $5, so that is a great deal for a wonderful cause.

Must be summer--the beach is opening (Of course, one is closed due to lack of applicants for lifeguard positions!).

The Chamber of Commerce has its quarterly meeting on June 15. The list of members is listed. It is interesting to see which businesses are in the Chamber and even more interesting to see which ones did not join. One always wonders why!

The "Spruce Up" Committee has been busy planting the gardens and boxes around town. They are looking for volunteers to "weed wack." They all really do a great job in making our town so beautiful with all the flowers!

There is a summer salad luncheon on June 21st in a neighboring town to sponsor their Water Carnival, which is held at the end of July. The Water Carnival is a great event for everyone.

The Utility Department will be flushing the hydrants and they are warning us to be prepared for some discoloration of the water. All we have to do is run the faucets until the water clears. We are blessed with good and plentiful water.

Fishing Contest: A 7-pounder won the walleye division and a 13-pounder won the northern division. There are plenty of good prizes each week. The Sport Stop does a great job with this during the summer. Just noticed that he is advertising bug jackets and pants on his reader board. This has been a terrible year for mosquitoes and, especially, "sandflies" (a little bug that lives on the blood of humans. Many of us walk around during May and June with wonderful looking bites!). This, too, shall end!

There's a meeting of the Youth Hockey group. They need to get a group together to decorate a float for the Fourth of July. Thank Heavens! For a minute, this writer thought we must have skipped summer!

There's an ad for Black Dirt and it indicates that we should get "the REAL stuff!" We wonder what that is! Is there a "Wrong" stuff???

Looks as if the theatre didn't place an ad. How will we know if "Prairie Home Companion" will be here soon? What should we do?

Sorry it's so short this week. We all have to save our strength to get ready for the Fourth! Have a good week!